Submissions for the 2023-2024 edition of Limina are open. 

Follow these steps to submit:

  1. Carefully read the following submission guidelines.
  2. Have a faculty member nominate your work.
  3. Submit your work here.

Each student is limited to two submissions per category for a total of six submissions.

Submission Categories

Nonfiction Writing

We publish all genres of nonfiction, including academic papers, memoirs, photo essays, journalism, research, and foreign language with English translation. Students may submit nonfiction from current and past classes, work from institutions other than UNM, or personal writing.

Submissions must be no longer than twelve double-spaced pages.


We welcome photo essays. Photo essays must receive a faculty nomination and include an artist statement of no more than 300 words. Photographs must be a minimum of 300ppi with no more than 3000 pixels in the longest dimension.

Open Media

Nonfiction works which do not fit into the written or photographic categories are also welcome. We accept pieces including but not limited to documentary films, multimedia projects, models, visual works, and more.

Pieces must be accompanied by an artist’s statement of no more than 300 words. Photographic elements must be a minimum of 300ppi with no more than 3000 pixels in the longest dimension. Videos should be no longer than 15 minutes.

Faculty Nomination 

All submissions must be accompanied by a faculty nomination, the link to which can be found here. Faculty nomination forms must be submitted via the form.


To submit, click here. You will be asked to submit a Google Doc. Please send the faculty nomination form to your chosen faculty member with your request for them to be your faculty nominator as soon as possible.